Raginee Gaur Smriti Foundation
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Support Programs
Rehabilitation Support (RRSP-01)
We extend rehabilitation support for single females who have been deserted by their families and they have no other shelter. These programs are supported by our contributors and details of which are published time to time. The benefits are passed on based on first come first serve and assessment factor of needy. Advised all needy to register them at the earliest.
Excel in Education
We provide support in completing of higher education which has been discontinued or on the verge of discontinuation. The support shall be in terms of fee payments, reimbursement of expenses on books and other educational material and tutoring through our volunteers' support.
Career Growth
Our programs under this category are tailored to provide career counseling, competition exams preparation support, coaching for cracking interviews and providing timely information which may help our candidates in excelling in career growth. Our objective is to provide the support in such a way that the single females do not feel helplessness and are able to avoid all forms of exploitation.
Legal Support
We arrange legal help and lawyers through our legal services volunteers who can extend the services on Samaritan basis or nominal charges basis to fight the property dispute cases, family court cases, divorce cases, child custody cases etc.
Medical Treatment and Health Recovery
Through our volunteers and participating hospitals we provide help in medical treatment for In-patients and Patients requiring special care at home.
Trauma and Depression
Its often seen the single female may require special care to deal with outcomes of loneliness, rejection, separation etc. We arrange special care, counselling and treatment to deal with trauma and depression.
There are chances the single females may become addicted to smoking, drinking and taking drugs. We may arrange de-addiction courses for the willing participants.
Family Reunion and Discord Settlement
At times single females may want to get connected with their family members but are unable to do so either as they are not in talking terms or they are very hesitant to initiate a dialogue. We may provide the required link have a dialogue with family members resulting into family reunion and discord settlement.
Matrimonial Engagements
We also run specific programs for willing participants for matrimonial engagement so that single female find a permanent family and home.